SEO or PPC For Business?


Many small business owners want to know whether they should utilize SEO or PPC to grow their businesses. So should small business owners choose SEO or PPC for business? There are a few things to take into consideration when making this decision.


Which is more profitable for business?

SEO is way more profitable than PPC for the long-term. There are a number of benefits to using both SEO and PPC, but SEO definitely has more.


SEO has better long-term ROI.

The investment you put into SEO builds up overtime, even when you’re not looking. You don’t need to keep checking on whether your website or business is growing with SEO or not. It takes time, maybe months or years to see results. Regardless, the return on your investment in SEO can double or even triple within that time frame! SEO is like growing an apple tree, which can take 7-10 years to see actual fruit. However, with the proper care, it grows into something extraordinary!


SEO improves your visibility.

Your site’s visibility on Google or other search engines matter. SEO helps increase its visibility, which have many benefits in itself. Actually, SEO makes sure your site keeps its rank for a very long time


Brand awareness will increase.

The more visible or higher in search results your site is on search engines, the more aware potential customers will be of your brand. Also, this applies to social media if you’re constantly active an interactive with your audience.


Organic SEO builds your credibility.

It’s better when your site is ranking high organically in search engines. Most people choose organically ranked sites over ads these days. This works well in your favor, since you’ll be getting more traffic. This means potential customers trust your services a bit more over services that use ads.


You may get a higher click-through rate.

Even if there are paid ads at the top of search results, not many people will click on them. Take advantage of this fact and see how well SEO increases your site’s click-through rate(CTR). You’d be surprised!


PPC has its advantages too.

Let’s face it. Organic search results are winning against paid ads. However, PPC offers many benefits when used correctly. Benefits may include:

  • Immediate results
  • Results lasting through algorithm changes
  • Increase in overall traffic
  • Increase in brand recognition
  • Campaigns can be adjusted in no time
  • Keywords can be tested


Use SEO and PPC for business!

If you struggle to get traffic, leads, or sales for your business, try SEO with PPC! PPC is good for jumpstarting brand awareness. To start, it gives you immediate visibility on search engines. From there, you can use SEO to maintain or increase any traffic you may get from the PPC ads. Also, you can test which keywords give the best results with PPC campaigns to better inform your SEO strategy.


You can use SEO and PPC for business. PPC can give instant results, and SEO maintains those results to last a lifetime.

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